Well-argued, as always.

I hope that the three Scoopers under 35 forward this on to their friends.

I do wonder why you're so certain that a vote for any of the third partyistas is actually a vote for Trump. When you look at the polls that include the partyistas the results are all over the place but, usually, boost T's margin by a point or two.

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Excuse me, you mean 9 not 3! The only third party candidate that MIGHT hurt Trump more than Biden is if Christie runs on No Labels. Mayb.

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I refuse to condemn any Arab or Palestinian American who refuses to vote for Biden when he is supporting a regime that is killing their families. This could cause Biden to lose in Michigan, which is a must win state for him.

Biden must end US support for Israel's actions in Gaza very soon, if he is to have a hope of winning this election. South Africa's submission to the ICJ is enough to say that Biden does not deserve to win re-election. I may vote for him in November (I will not vote for him in the primary), but he absolutely has not earned my vote.

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Who has earned your vote? I rarely find any pol who has earned my support. I find pols tp vote fore for who will do the least amount of damage.

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Ha Ha! Fair enough! What a crappy political system we have in this country.

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Well-argued and absolutely on point. Time for me to put on my big boy pants and spend dozens of hours each month working with others here in NC to try to stop the Orange Menace and his gang of thieves and worshippers before they take away democracy we don't deserve if we won't fight for it.

I have a tiny quibble with this: "Where are the great human rights and civil rights defenders of the past who can draw an audience and hold their attention?  Sorry, I can’t name one.  They have to exist, I assume."

At least here in North Carolina, we recognize Reverend William Barber as a real one who can draw an audience and hold their attention and move some of them to real action.

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One more time, we hear the bullshit that we have to save the world by voting for a Democrat. I've been listening to that guff since 1960. And what did we get for it? The Vietnam War, the undermining of the civil rights and black power movements, the repeal of the Glass-Stiegel Act, Clinton who keep it in his pants and cost Gore the 2000 election, the Afghanistan and Iraq wars (both supported by Democrats), a crippled healthcare system (when the Democrats were in control of both houses of Congress and the presidency. And now there's Gaza and the border.

One note, on Humphrey. Blame LBJ for Humphrey's defeat. Johnson knew that Nixon had committed treason. Kissinger had told Nixon that peace talks were going to begin. Nixon sent Claire Chennault to Vietnam to tell the president to oppose talks. Johnson knew this. He decided not to share it and Nixon won. Ta-ta.

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You sound like I did when I was 17. Are you really going to take up all that space to rehearse all of the horrible policies of the Demcrats pf the last 50 years that we ALL KNOW ABOUT. Sorry to say but we also know all about Kissinger manipulating the peace talks. Your rant offers NO new information other than a choir book recital of the manifold sins of the democrats, I will turn this question around on you. After 50 years of voting for third protest parties how much closer are we to having a stable, effective and influential third party Answer: further than ever. Answer: further than ever. And far be it from me to shake you out of your monotonous rant. If you see no threat at this point coming from Trump and MAGA that over rides the very real deficits of the Democrats, I doubt if anything is going to change your mind. Too bad you are locked into an ideological prison.

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Glad you've matured. For me, little things like arms to Israel while they're committing genocide, failure to defeat the MAGAts, etc., is enough for me.

And please: You can claim "victory" if Biden is re-elected. But if he isn't, don't blame me.

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