Looks like EU will need to step up. And when they’re done maybe they can rescue us.

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This is Europe and the UK’s 1938 moment. Giving land for peace to an aggressor does not work.

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Welcome back to the Mall of Hell. Putin is the leader of world fascism. He has interfered in every European country’s politics on behalf of right wing or fascist parties. He interfered decisively in US politics in 2016, 2020, and 2024 to bring us Donald Trump and Elon Musk, lifelong white supremicists and fascist. His attempt to conquer Ukraine had included mass kidnappings of children, destruction of schools and hospitals, and mass rape (Israeli level atrocity). Now Trump is prepared to reward him with big chunks of Ukraine. And then this morning on Democracy Now, Katrina vandenheuvel of The Nation was so glad Trump was at least talking to Vlad and no she was sure Vlad wouldn’t go after anything else. And maybe Ukraine wouldn’t lose everything. But she hates Trump of course. And Amy Goodman was just following along. Fascism? What fascism? (Does Jill Stein even oppose Fascism? She and Kamala both disappeared. Missing in inaction.)

I share your analysis. Fight fascism everywhere Katrina!!

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Could not agree more strongly! Amy is all about Amy. Savior complex with a LOTTA money

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Always find your analysis to be very interesting. You're one of the few people whose articles I can share with the wife. Normally she's staunchly apolitical, but she's enjoyed some of your pieces that I've shared with her. Well, maybe "enjoyed" is the wrong word, but she wanted to talk about them after she read them, and she never talks politics with me.

One minor point I'd like to make is this: I think it's not fair to compare the situation in Palestine with Ukraine. Which you acknowledged, but kind of did it anyway. In the case of Israel, the US is financing the "war" and providing general support. That's being done in my name, with my tax dollars. We're complicit. I think our priority should be to correct our own behavior. That's hard; that's meaningful. Hollow denunciations of officially designated foreign enemies are just too easy. It seems empty to me. "Putin is bad. The Iranian Mullahs are jerks. etc." That's pretty much all I can do.

Anyhow, thanks for the awesome work. I really appreciate your perspective. It's helped me feel less depressed about what's been going on.

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Thank you Craig. I understand it take In my case i have always been an internationalist. Cheers to ur wife!

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Good point !!

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My first thought was where are the protests!

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