I agree that the emergency continues and that our highest priority has to be fighting incipient fascism. Our coalition with liberals has to continue, despite the fact that a large part of the Left seems not to be able to actually DO anything besides fight with the Democrats, and especially attack people like AOC.

Having said that, I don't think wealth supremacy can be separated from white supremacy. They are far too intertwined. It's not an accident that a hell of a lot of the best organizing right now is coming from Black and Indigenous-led groups like Black Lives Matter, Fight For Fifteen and the anti-pipeline people.

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If you are an “award winning writer, journalist and professor” then American journalism and the professoriate has indeed started to scrape the bottom of the septic tank. Entropy .

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Horseshit and solid evidence of YOUR lunacy.

I am more concerned about fascism coming from Pelosi, Biden, Kamala, schumer, AOC, the Pentagon, cia fbi NDA homeland security the donor class of the Democrats and state and local gestapis and stupid people who actually *believe* the faith based religious creed that the Russians did anything to the recent elections … as opposed to Israeli and Saudi interventions in elections and capture of policy and weapons contracts. Wake the fuck up!

RE: No question by the way that the Russians did screw with our last two elections

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I'm more concerned about people who are so angry that they can't see that they are criticizing someone for something that isn't even there except within themselves.

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