How do these democrats, some of them quite liberal, justify voting for her??? What the heck were they thinking? If trump ever had a chance of going to prison, this will be it, and she could be the one obstacle to that happening. These Dems have a lot to answer for.

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Excellent, excellent analysis of the situation!

I also note that Trump's complaint that he is being treated unfairly compared to an average citizen is ridiculous. Most defendants in his situation would likely have had to surrender their passports and have their travel at least somewhat restricted.

However, the Trump prosecutors declined to request passport surrender when the judge asked them, and neither did they request any travel restrictions whatsoever, even though he is a wealthy man with international connections and his own private jet.

Therefore, I have begun wondering if prosecutors actually hope that as the trial date nears, he will suddenly flee the U.S. to a non-extradition country, sparing the government from having to present those risky, classified documents in evidence to the jury and also eliminating himself as a candidate -- two problems solved.

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