Outstanding piece❣ You might want to tack on that people are invited to share it. It could still use a tiny bit of copy editing, as there are missing words here and there.

You must be feeling wiped out now.

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Marc, I can copy edit for you for free. I worked as a copy editor at UCLA for about 20 yrs. Let me know.

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I always wondered what the Nuremberg rallies of the mid-1930s sounded like.

The grisly cadences, slanders, lies, misogyny and racism rising up out of Trump’s uber-rally at Madison Square Garden—all rapturously received by his audience—give me a pretty good sense for what Germans listened to 90 years ago.

I’m actually surprised that CNN carried the traitorous events going on at 34th St. as long as it did but Americans needed to see what that man and his party really are.

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Great piece, Mark. I saw some clips from the rally this morning and it was (almost) shocking how blatantly racist the speakers were. One angry nut identified as a "businessman" was talking about "slaughtering" people. It was good you pointed out that for the Nazis "deportations" was a euphemism for the gas chambers. The "it can't happen here" crowd had better wake up. Here in New Mexico, I just cast my vote by mail for Kamala. Not that I like her, but the alternative is the abyss.

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Roevember is coming.

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(by the way, I recently upgraded tp PAID subscriber -- but somehow do not see this indicated -- did something go wrong?!)) ps: voted early NYC all blue of course...

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