1. The astonishing rise (and complete acceptance) of "alternative facts" and paranoid conspiracies that now have sway over almost half the country.

2. The almost complete willingness of the country to obliterate any memory of the pandemic and of the economic effects it had on inflation and the economy.

3. The collapse of social studies and civics classes in our middle and high schools so that few people know about, much less understand, anything that's happened in the United States since WW2.

4. The much commented siloing of information sources so that the many and dedicated viewers of Fox News et al. get the memo every day about how to interpret the events in their world.

5. The explosion of income and wealth inequality in this country since 1970 that has destroyed communities and individual livelihoods leaving in its wake angry and despairing people who don't want to think about the causes for their suffering and just want to be delivered from it.

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The first question is a resiunfing NO. Allende had zero lower to do anything to congress which was tge heart of the opposition. As to the coup, the US helped llay the economic groundwork for the coup and financed the major and conservative newspaper and blockrd copper sales. It had NO direct partivipation in the coup but coveref for it and supported Pin8. I believe the army would have staged a cohl anyway sooner rather than later. Certainly got a nod from Nixon and kissinger. But the FFAA had their own agency.

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Totally EXCELLENT commentary!! Thanks!!

I remember that before, and shortly after, the coup, there were some presumably honest academics who spoke of Allende starting to do, or planning to do, some undemocratic things, related to congress. Was there anything in that?

I also remember Alan Angel (a British socialist and very pro-union Chile specialist who greatly admired Allende) saying that there was more than enough domestic opposition, to Allende, to carry out the coup without any US participation at all. Do you agree?

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