In North Carolina and probably some other (restrictive-type) states, the absentee (or mail-in) ballot must be RECEIVED (not postmarked) before midnight tonight! It can be dropped off at any voting location in the County or at the County Election Commissioner's Office. Also, anyone who has received an absentee ballot is entitled to simply go to their regular voting location and vote there, instead of submitting the mail-in ballot, if they prefer. Also, if someone goes to the polls, they should bring their official ID if they have one; states like North Carolina require that. Marc, maybe you could kindly pass on this information. Thanks!

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Hard to grasp that we have come to the point where “Vote No on Fascism” is a viable slogan for our candidate.

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Kamala’s last speech in Philly was in some ways her best. She exhaled. She spoke from her heart. Relieved and, I believe, supremely confident. Internal polling must be very strong, though there is still concern over Pennsylvania. The Des Moines Register poll must not be totally isolated. All that said, polls are not votes, and we have been back-doored by unspoken biases before.

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The genius of the Founding Fathers is evident all over America. It is why you are OK today. Vote Harris to preserve it. Do it now.

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Voted weeks ago in Michigan for Harris.

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