Hamas has plenty to criticize. None of it justifies Israel's mass slaughter.

It works both ways, but the slaughter the Israelis are perpetrating right now in Gaza is far greater than anything all of the Palestinian "terrorist" groups combined have ever done. That's just a fact.

Saying the Palestinians have no right to strike back is the same as saying Native Americans had no right to fight back against my settler ancestors. There is no moral or logical difference.

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Do not put words in my mouth. I never said Pals have no right to respond. What I said is that we cannot support mass terrorism against civilians perpetrated by religious fanatics. That's true for Israel. That's true for Hamas. Apparently u are comfortable with a double standard... and a pseudionym. Why dobnt u put your real name out there to tell us you don't think it's a problem if Hamas militants chop up people at a music concert. I dont supoort. And I dont support carper bombing Gaza either.

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You accuse me of putting words into your mouth when I did no such thing, and then turn around and put words in mine. Typical imperialist apologist.

Tell me, just WTF were the people in Gaza supposed to do? Huh? What? They've been blockaded into a huge open air prison since 2007, and efforts to peacefully protest were met with gunfire(2018 March of Return).

Of COURSE they were going to lash out. Just like the Native Americans did. And the Israelis are crying just like the NYT after Custer got his stupid ass killed. The irony is that the Israeli response will be even more bloodthirsty than that of the US Cavalry in 1877.

Impressive, but not in a good way.

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I do not debate anonymous trolls who justify mass terror.

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"Justigy" does not quite describe it. "Provoked" comes much closer.

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