“…how the Twitter Left gang would have been assessing the early Nazis of the 1930’s.”
How is Glenn G assessing the current Brown Shirts being organized by Ben Gvir as a new national guard in Palestine? The new Kosher Proud Boys battalion is a death squad formed to hasten the annihilation of “non-Jews” in Palestine. With a reported $300m already allocated to this new at-large gang, $58m from the Defense Dept alone, we’re seeing a planned increase in deaths of Arabs all funded by US taxpayers.
“…how the Twitter Left gang would have been assessing the early Nazis of the 1930’s.”
How is Glenn G assessing the current Brown Shirts being organized by Ben Gvir as a new national guard in Palestine? The new Kosher Proud Boys battalion is a death squad formed to hasten the annihilation of “non-Jews” in Palestine. With a reported $300m already allocated to this new at-large gang, $58m from the Defense Dept alone, we’re seeing a planned increase in deaths of Arabs all funded by US taxpayers.