Oh for sure. Already have a new smaller pro camera.

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Agree with it all. Florida is a laboratory for fascism. Look for at least a half dozen state education boards to push by the end of summer for the same positions, probably the same texts, adopted by Florida. This is how the New Confederacy is creating itself.

The two most important aspects of this article is the discussion of how Nazism grew from an extremist party to a way of life, and what to do about it.

To the first point, a recent historical novel by friend Jennifer Coburn, “Cradles of the Reich,” illustrates how decent Germans came to accept and participate in imposition of reprehensible Nazi social innovations.

Resistance is the tough challenge. My family in Indiana is deeply involved in education, as teachers, teachers aides, librarians, and parents and students. The dim ass Mom for Liberty who quoted Hitler in a brochure supporting their protocol-Nazi efforts (irony, much?) is pressing the school board that employs my nephew’s wife as school librarian and softball coach.

Coincidentally, the library board in that county invited Jennifer Coburn to visit and raise funds twice by discussing Children of the Reich. But it is a strongly Republican county. Librarians and teachers there must be scared of challenging the fascists trying to impose their ideology on teachers and kids. Must they put their careers and livelihoods on the line? Will they? It must be a large-scale effort. You are right that the NEA and its state and local affiliates must take a stronger, more defiant stance. Can the school boards discipline everyone? Fire everyone? Possibly, but it’s up to teachers to draw a line.

And yes, Democrats need to battle back at the grass roots. Say what you will about Cal Dems, they do act to organize around policy at grassroots. It works, and has built a movement that doesn’t depend solely on the political calendar. So far as I know, though, they haven’t acted directly to oppose the fascist threats that are happening in CA school board meetings.

We need to do more, from the top and the bottom. Calling out the threat at hand is where it begins. Not where it stops.

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Tnx Michael. Very much on point. Scary.

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