Marc, you have been banging this message (with good reason) for decades now. Universal human rights should apply everywhere; don't make excuses for the leader, government, or society that you wish was better. Advocate for people in peril everywhere and at all times.

Thanks for your persistence in this area.

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I agree as well, but I am often reminded from here in New Mexico that Maduro's policies result in increased numbers of asylum seekers from Venezuela coming to the US. This is a tragedy for them and a political liability for Democrats. This is a dilemma for US foreign policy, since any softening sanctions would presumably help Maduro's wretched government.

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Thanks for pointing out the flood of people who are heading north—not that they want to—and have to tangle with the US asylum system. It is indeed a tragedy for them.

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I subscribe to every word in the post, but I wonder if there isn’t a certain fraction of the Left who want to avoid a conversation about taking to the streets in the wake of an obvious fraud because they don’t want to give the Trumpistas a stick to beat them with if Harris wins.

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