I've read comments from some pundits trying to spin last night's horror show, saying at least Biden didn't stand up on the debate stage and lie, like trump did. Pathetic. Because if you know anything about American voters, it's almost all optics and Trump won, hands down, in the optics department. Biden had so many opportunities to show the public what a liar and cheat trump is but he couldn't do it. One of my friends said, a corpse could have done better and another friend said that's exactly what Biden looked like. The Dems should be ashamed of themselves; allowing Biden to be the candidate. His advisors had to know that he would do a piss poor job. This wasn't the SOTU speech which had a teleprompter; this was pure Biden, flopping like a fish gasping for breath. We turned the TV off after 40 minutes of cringing and gasping and imagining four more years of trump.
I've read comments from some pundits trying to spin last night's horror show, saying at least Biden didn't stand up on the debate stage and lie, like trump did. Pathetic. Because if you know anything about American voters, it's almost all optics and Trump won, hands down, in the optics department. Biden had so many opportunities to show the public what a liar and cheat trump is but he couldn't do it. One of my friends said, a corpse could have done better and another friend said that's exactly what Biden looked like. The Dems should be ashamed of themselves; allowing Biden to be the candidate. His advisors had to know that he would do a piss poor job. This wasn't the SOTU speech which had a teleprompter; this was pure Biden, flopping like a fish gasping for breath. We turned the TV off after 40 minutes of cringing and gasping and imagining four more years of trump.