I think this rhymes perfectly with an administration that thinks one more bomb in Gaza or a HIMARS from Kiev into Galicia will do the trick

El Trumpo is claiming he raised $34 million before his site crashed last nite. And he outraised Joe last month by $21 million, if I remember the figure corrrectly

To think this won the war is naive. I think Margaret Dumont just shot an elephant in her pajamas

How he got in her pajamas we may never know

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Without any science to back me up I know wishful thinking when I see it. Why would anyone in her right mind give a fuck about 34 "felonies" pulled out of Alvin Bragg's ass--even if they flew with a NYC jury?

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It was not Alvin Bragg who convicted Trump. It was the "NYC" jury -- as if NY is not part of the US. I imagine in East Jesus, Mississippi he might have been acquitted as several jurors probably would not be able to read the jury instructions. It sure seems like DT gives a fuck. Sorry u dont. He has spent $40m fighting what u believe is a non case. Personally, I think people who pay off women in illicit affairs and then cover it up to help win a presidential election is a creep and a criminal. That Lee is my L.A/Big City/Coastal /Elite view. Ur wisecrack about the NYC jury is laden with a lot of unsaid but implied garbage that I am going to ignore because I think it beneath you. For the record, unlike ur slap at NYC, I am JOKING about the Mississippi. I firmly believe that if the trial was held there and if a good judge overaw a fair voir dire, Trump would also get convicted in downtown Jacskon.

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Convicted of what? I like neither whoremongering nor whoremongers, and, sad-to-say, MANY politicians besides Trump do and are. It is also common practice among these philandering narcissists to pay hush money to their "conquests." It is downright distasteful, but twisting it into an election-interference "felony" is just about as distasteful. Publicize the sleazy tomcatting and use it in campaign ads by all means ... but making it into a bogus felony is exactly what Trump's supporters claim it is—banana-republic stuff. All I meant by "NYC jury" BTW is that Trump is more widely despised there than he is, say, in my own neck of the woods.

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Yes, yes, yes

Those who are already in the tank for Trump can't go any further in the tank. Of course, they'll have to overcompensate for their guy's conviction for bad behavior. They have to mirror his lack of accountability or even surpass it to prove their loyalty.

So what? They don't represent anywhere near half of the voting population. It's not clear they even represent half of the Republican primary voting population.

What matters is the rest of us. You're correct in identifying the actual swing voters, whose preference (or willingness to show up and vote at all) is uncertain.

Trump's conviction is the end for him among enough of those voters in a close election that Trump can only lose.

His path to victory requires a massive suppression of turnout, and that seems beyond him. He lives on our attention. That's his oxygen.

He fires up his small cluster of believers; even more so, he fires up a huge mass of opponents. Even given American depression, frustration and boredom with Biden and Trump, turnout will be high in November because it always is when that guy is on the ballot.

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I think The Stars and Stripes newspaper got it right: "Though the legal and historical implications of the verdict are readily apparent, the political consequences are less so given its potential to reinforce rather than reshape already hardened opinions about Trump."

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Not gonna debate this further with u. He was convicted falsifying biz records to cover up the consliracy to corruptly influence the election. The maneuver also involved bank fraud and bogus 1099’s, a violation of tax law. It was clear law breaking and it involved a half million dollars. Agreed it is not a major felony but it is illegal. I would prefer he be tried for Jan 6 but the fabulous Judge Cannon has thrown her body across the tracks. The law is the law and the imbecile got caught. Boo hoo.

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