Coop Scoop: The Hour of the Quislings
The Supremes throw up roadblocks to getting Trump into the dock.
February 28-29
By Marc Cooper
With the clock ticking loudly toward an existential election, and with the economic and judicial noose tightening around the neck of the accused criminal who will be the GOP nominee for president, his flock of enablers, allies and quislings are now scrambling to take up their repective positions…either by becoming full time militants in the Trump army or by vaguely distancing themselves from the Supreme Leader.
The punctuation mark on that assertion comes from what is now our rogue and unabashedly autocratic Supreme Court, the primary Quisling organization in American. On Wednesday when they moved to further delay the January 6 federal trial of Donald Trump they did what almost nobody predicted.
So let’s talk straight about what the Supremes are doing: they are fucking around with us and doing everything they can, without saying it directly, to make sure Trump’s major criminal trial not happen before the election, or not happen at all, so he can be re-elected.
We can speculate what an authoritarian America might look like, but we are getting a rather chilling preview as both the Supreme Court and the House majority as well as several state governments are already in the grip of MAGA and are busy rolling back this century and much of the previous. Look no further than the absolutely lunatic regimes in Texas and Florida not to mention the religious zealots in robes in other states ruling that embryos are full human beings and that dreadlocks should be banned from high school students –even honor students.
The decision by the Supremes. –which they could have made 10 days ago—to hear Donald Trump’s plea for permanent immunity defies any printable reaction. It is a bald-faced move to delay his trial as long as possible. Every serious legal expert said there was NO reason whatsoever to hear the case as it is equal to a banana asking the court to be exempt from human consumption. A Republican-studded district appeals court unanimously denied Trump’s plea for a level of royal-level monarchy and there was no logical reason for the Supremes to take the case.
And, yet, they did. And the case will be heard of course by at least one justice, RV maven Clarence Thomas, whose wife was up to her neck in the subversive movement to deny a peaceful transition of power in 2020. Just like any other Banana Republic corrupt court. Worse, the Supremes have set the hearing for April 22. Though they could have set it for next week, but…why hurry? The court MIGHT makes its ruling within a few days or a week after the April hearing. More likely it will not come until the end of their term in late June. And given that all proceedings on the case are now on hold, and given there are a ton of pre trial motions that will have to be considered, it is now UNLIKELY that the crucial Jan6 trial will not happen before the election. It’s an affront to our collective intelligence and it holds in contempt the American electorate who have the right to know if they are being asked to vote for someone who will turn out to be a felon convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government and to illegally remain in power.
That’s to not even mention the real possibility that this totally political and theocratic court will rule that Trump indeed does have the legal armor and immunity of a 14th Century King and they grant him immunity, wiping out all and any future trials. Ten days ago I would have said that is impossible. Today I give it a 50/50 chance as the court sinks ever deeper into the muck of moral degeneracy and putrid rot. And that should scare the living piss out of all of us.
In the meantime, by sitting on this case and further dragging it out, the course is granting de facto immunity to Trump as he continues to elude the dock where he very much belongs.
And down in Florida, the inexperienced MAGA flunky, Ailleen Cannon, who Trump appointed to the federal bench right before he fled office, and who is now hearing the slam dunk guilty case of Trump and his purloined government documents, is doing everything except throwing her body across the train tracks to slow down, postpone and try to extinguish the case – a case if it goes to court would almost certainly bring convictions on obstruction of justice.
Folks, last week I wrote that I was giving up on any serious, cross ideological, multi racial anti-Trump coalition in the streets and suites emerging and that we were left with the only hope that Trump’s defeat had to be outsourced to the courts. I’m gonna have to retract that thought, at least the second hall about the courts. The ball is back in the court of the citizenry and the calendar to get off their asses and confront these fascists is running fast and short.
Now America’s own Count Van Papen, the dissolute conservative German aristocrat and pol who opened the mainstream doors for the Nazis, that walking and talking bag of human waste, Mitch McConnell, has also made his move today. Just as the German conservatives quickly got eaten by their junior Nazi allies, Mitch is the latest to get pushed out by the same thugs he enabled. It’s Mitch who helped Trump turn the federal judiciary into a bible thumping chapter of the Federalist Society, It’s Mitch who engineered the obstruction that led to an extremist majority on the Supreme Court. It’s Mitch that legitimized the filth that Trump put before the Senate. It was also Mitch who actually wavered during Trump’s second impeachment. He was on the verge of turning his thumbs down and leading a Senate majority to convict Trump and bar him from running again. Instead, he chickened out.
Then, he made the mistake of telling the truth when he announced his acquittal vote by uncategorically suggesting that Trump had broken the law and should be dealt with by the criminal justice system. He never did anything about that since. But it cost him his personal relationship with Trump to whom he has not spoken since 2020 and it sealed his political fate. His years of ass-licking Trump and of effectively leading the GOP Senate in its subversive course was rewarded by his own members making it known he’s now too much of a squish. Mitch is gonna try to get replaced by someone who is not a card-carrying MAGA nut case but odds are slim.
No tears to be shed over Mitch winding up in the rubbish bin. But it’s not really much good news. It is just one more indicator that the slow-moving coup by MAGA to completely consume the former Republican Party is being completed…the same way the Nazis disposed of their “friends” among the conservatives. MAGA now controls SCOTUS and the House and the departure of Mitch means the removal of the biggest hurdle in fully taking over the Senate. Don’t rule out us five years now pining over the Good Old Days when Mitch was GOP senate leader!
These events coincide with Trump purging the RNC of its current leadership under the pliant quisling Ronna McDaniel (Romney’s niece who dropped the use of her name to not anger the Big Boss). She was 101% loyal to Trump but even that is no longer enough. She is being purged and replaced by his genius daughter-in-law of Der Leader, Lana Trump.
Half the Republican Senate and 2/3 of the Republican House have already endorsed Trump and the other lemmings will soon follow suit.
The Trump takeover game has just about been played out. I’m only curious how the MSM will continue to treat Trump henceforth – continuing to rely on the fantasy that there is some Republican Party that is now not an appendage of declaredly anti-Democratic, xenophobic and racist MAGA organization.
All this invokes more echoes from 1930’s Germany. After Hitler consolidated power and began jailing his opponents and turning against and purging his former allies, he changed the sworn oath taken by all his armed forces. They no longer pledged allegiance to Germany, the Reich or anything else other than to affirm their personal loyalty to the person of Donald Trump. Just as the Republican Party pledged no platform in 2020 other than unbridled support for Der Trump.
That’s the hard news for me today. Just two quick addendums. I will get around to commenting on the primaries later this week, but I will limit myself on the election to saying if you are an anti-Trump voter then you are out of your mind if you hesitate in voting for Biden. Morality and politics are two different things though they occasionally intersect. If you think you cleanse your soul and keep your hands clean by abstaining or not voting for Biden then you are dirtying that same soul beyond any repair by effectively voting for Trump. Strip away all the wishcasting and ought-to-bes and understand, please, that it is only Joe Biden or Donald Trump and their respective teams, advisors and supporters, who will be in power next year. If you are not supporting one, you are supporting the either. You get no brownie points for being a, pure thinking liberal, a bona fide anti war activist or a clean-handed socialist if you are living under a Trump dictatorship that you did not help to block.
I still cling to the hope that the totality of the American people are going to reject MAGA in November. I am also going to repeat you are kidding yourself into believing It Can’t Happen Here. It sure as hell can and having observed fascist takeovers in other countries, if it comes to pass, the speed with which it will be consolidated will make your head swim. ++
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