By Marc Cooper
Dec 14
The Coop Scoop has moved to a new cleaner, more efficient platform here on Substack.
If you are getting this, you are among our 700 plus subscribers that I have now grandfathered into my new data base as PAID SUBSCRIBERS for another 12 mos. A little holiday perk and a thanks to you for getting us through our first year.
Newsletter posts will henceforth be archived on the new website HTTP://THECOOPSCOOP.SUBSTACK.COM where comments are also being enabled.
You will also get your usual flow of Coop Scoop about 50 times a year via email.
The current private fb group will be phased out this week as the new site is much less chaotic.
That said, about 150 or so folks among you I have let in for free over the last year. No problem and glad to have you. Others are maybe 3/4 or 1/2 through their current sub.
BUT… I am a writer not a bill collector so I really do NOT want to comb thru 700 names and see who is due to re-up when and who have not yet donated at all. I’m starting over today as this new software makes accounting an automatic snap.
I am happy to just reboot everything today from scratch and therefore everyone getting this is considered a paid subscriber with all benefits for the next 365 days. You don’t have to do anything if you are getting this….but maybe you should anyway.
I beseech you to use the honor system and if you have never donated to subscribe plse do so today. Likewise for you folks who gave 5-6-10 months ago. Freshen up your sub please. I am going to do everything possible to avoid combing thru everybody’s name and poking those who might be lapsing. Please help me with this :)
All subscription options are now handled directly on the newsletter page offering all levels of free and paid support. There will continue to be (a somewhat abridged) newsletter edition for all non-paid subscribers. Paid subscribers (you) will have full access to more robust content as well as some Vcasts, podcasts, and Zoom AMA’s now on the drawing board.
If you are supporting Coop Scoop on Patreon you should continue. Though, you can pledge for any monthly amount here on the newsletter as well.
I am going to be doing some fundraising on my personal fb this week and you are free to chip in there or you can do it right here on this page. Simple. I am wanting to hire a some real staff for 2021. Let’s make it happen! Any questions? Just email me. Thanks ever so much! MARC