Coop Scoop Election Bulletin #1. Is Trump a Fascist? Do Bears Dump in the Woods?
The first of daily or more election related bulletins from The Coop Scoop
October 25, 2025
BY Marc Cooper
Former Trump Chief of Staff and retired four star Marine General John Kelly has dropped a blockbuster October Surprise calling Trump what he is, a” fascist.” a conservative Republican who agreed with Trump]s cruel border policies, his comment, while late, is welcome and significant.
It has set off a media firestorm just a week and a half before election day and while millions are already voting early. This can only lose votes for Trump, not win any.
The taboo has finally been pierced. Kamala Harris has for the first time in history also now characterizes a presidential opponent, Trum,p as a fascist. Good for her, Three years too late, The New York Times Sunday magazine’s cover story declares Trump a fascist. Too bad they are too cowardly to use that appropriate descriptor in their daily news coverage, And last week Trump’s former top military leader called him “fascist to the core.”
Americans have never lived under dictatorship so they are extremely naive about what that means. It can never happen here, but it can. Or they cannot read or hear what Trump is now saying.
Trump’s admiration of Hitler’s “some good things,” his Hitlerian rhetoric against “migrants”comes directly from Goebbels speeches on Jews, his open threats to prosecute “the enemy within” includes the media and his political opponents is straight up fascism. Mass deportations is also a phrase right from 1932 Germany. And the MAGA dummies at the RNC holding up signs saying Mass Deportation is about one degree off from a shouted Sieg Heil!
A scared and desperate Trump has said fascism could work better than democracy in America. He swoons over dictators like Putin, Xi and lightly disguised ones as Victor Orban. And now Trump is encouraging his supporters to engage in violence against migrants or other enemies within. He has vowed to use the Insurrection Act, to suspend the constitution, and has urged American police to go for wild for a day to end crime in 24 hrs as if this was a sequel to The Purge.
In addittion to being an aspiring dictator, he’s also an extremely stupid man and that makes him even more dangerous. He has purged abynody not MAGA from the GOP and has turned the party into an insurrectionary instrument and his inner circle is composed of similar scum: like his imbecile spawn and such despicable racst creatures as Stephen Miller an Steve Bannon,
Is he a fascist? LOL. There are many ways to define the word and some of immersed earlier in Marxist theory might argue the use of the term but that’s for the faculty lounge.
Trump is a fascist in common language., Get over not using the term. You do not have to wear a uniform, nor do you need an SS to be a fascist. Nazis, yes. But fascists often wear business suits and rub elbows with the (wealthier) decent folks while brainwashing the masses and all having a good laugh. And get bankrolled by the very disturbed man/baby Elon Musk who represents a mortal danger to the republic. I am bouyed partially that the the narcolpetic head of the DOJ has wrned Musk he is lirting with criminal accusations of election bribery,
I have only two desires right now. Do everything you can to stop this fascist from getting elected. And continue to HOPE that the US military continues to apper to have no interest in a dictatorship or governing the US. If that changes, game over in 24 hours.
More about the military in the next day or two.
What scares me today is not so much the possibility of Trump being elected….I don’t think he will be. What scares me the most is the relative passivity of the American population and the failure by so many - and in the media in general-to grasp what is at stake 11 days from now, thereby making the election of this convicted criminal, fraudster, sex abuser and fascist a real possibilty. It should not be, but we live in a politically backward country.
I am not gonna wet the bed and moan. I am going to work my butt off stopping this gangster from getting elected. If you are not, you risk being complicit. ++
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Washington Post editorial board under Will Lewis reportedly waffling on whether to make a presidential endorsement this year
As the people who were too cowardly to probably pronounce That all republicans are traitors. There's not a time for people to be polite and it's a time for people to raise their voices and say this is not okay and you are a traitor if you think so