Friends and Followers:
If you are a non-paying reader you can ignore this! Or you can read it for future use.
But some of you who have paid to subscribe to Coop Scoop before I moved its platform this week might have gotten a notice that you have been given “comp” status and this can be confusing.
Simple explanation: when I ported my previous newsletter database over to the new Substack platform, the software designated everybody as “free sign ups.”
That classification would have unfairly limited your access to all paid subscriber content.
Even though I am the site administrator, I am prevented from marking you as [paid] “subscriber” as Substack alone bestows that designation ONLY to those who have contributed to the site.
Accordingly, I have given all those who have paid earlier through Patreon or Paypal previous to the platform switch the Substack COMP status that allows you full access.
If and when you contribute through the site itself, you will acquire {paid] subscriber status by Substack. And, yes, if you see are comped, that is a stop gap measure that I will extend for months but please do not contributing to the site!
So you are on the honor system! And please adhere to it. As I said earlier I have no intention of being a bill collector. So if you donated through Paypal some months ago this would be a good time to renew VIA SUBSTACK. You can use the Paypal button on the site if you wish. I will record your end date as one yr from now but you will remain in the comp category. To make thins smoother for all of us, using the “subscribe” button is a bit smoother and the site will change your status to full access “subscriber.”
If you are a sustainer via Patreon, no problem. You may continue there and I will maintain your all access comp status. A few folks have cancelled Patreon and renewed their subscriptions on Substack itself. Either option works. COMP is the same as SUBSCRIBED. Do me a favor and do not interpret it as indefinite free access to everything as your comp status will expire down the road.
I apologize for the confusion but we are in Beta and while I like Substack a lot there is no documentation on it. So bear with me.
I am expecting some glitches when I start producing paid content next week. Some of you who paid to subscribe on the old site MIGHT run into a block saying you cannot read further as the site says you are not paid or comped. If that happens, just email me and I will fix it within an hour usually.
And that goes for everybody. Do not hesitate to send me any questions or tech issues.
Contact me directly at: THANKS!