Coop Scoop: Bonus Video - My talk with Wm. Neuman on Venezuela
Did Hugo Chavez loom more like Trump than Che?
March 25
We take a brief departure from the news about Russia’s war against Ukraine for a deep dive into Venezuela.
On video.
For those on the Right, Venezuela embodies everything that is wrong with socialism. For some on the Left, Venezuela is a scrappy little David battling the Goliath of U.S. imperialism.
Reality, of course, is always more complicated than political slogans and partisan talking points.
My long time pal, Willie Neuman spent several years reporting in Venezuela for the New York Times and The Atlantic. His new book: Things Are Never So Bad They Can’t Get Worse, vividly outlines how Venezuela and the Chavez-Maduro governments have driven Venezuela into a political and economic ditch.
Meanwhile, the official opposition seems paralyzed. And U.S. policy went way off track under Trump. It’s a great book. And, modestly, I think it is a pretty darn good discussion. Enjoy, leave a. comment, and let me know your reaction!
Buy Willie Neuman’s book on Venezuela.
Buy Marc Cooper’s book on Chile.
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